How You Can Help?

It takes collective effort to bring change. The more we give voice to local issues, the more likely it is that Govt bodies allocate more personnel/ budget for the local problems.
If you see a cleanliness/sanitation issue or traffic safety issue in your neighbourhood:
1) Post Photo, map location of the issue, and brief description with button on this website. This would open a chat with Yuva1. You can then attach photo ,add description. You can “Send your current location” by following the steps here.

2) Report the issue/Grievance to the concerned Municipal Corporation/ Govt authority. Be Respectful to the Govt authorities, as they might have their own problems that we might not be aware of.

3) If the issue got resolved, Send us a photo of the place.

Sponsor An Article

You can sponsor an article for 499 Rs , and help generate quality journalism. We will add sponsor info in the article.


If you are student of Political Science/Mass Communication and Journalism, we would encourage to do a 1 month internship with us to learn citizen-centric local journalism. You can reach us at email : info AT YUVA1 DOT COM (Replace AT with @, DOT with . )